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Home School Agreement
Working together in partnership

Home School Agreement

For every child joining Brigshaw High School we commit to working in partnership to secure the outstanding outcomes and to ensure we provide the right support, care and conditions for a positive experience at school. The agreement is as follows:

As a school we will:

  • Uphold our values of Integrity, Resilience, Respect and Equality, so that all students can enjoy lives of choice and opportunity.
  • Have high expectations of students’ achievements.
  • Provide a safe, secure and supportive environment.
  • Provide a framework for good behaviour and discipline by having a clear set of expectations, sanctions and rewards that promote the right behaviours.
  • Deliver the national curriculum and other educational opportunities, including skills such as reading, writing, numeracy and information and communication technology. 
  • Meet students’ special educational needs according to funding provision, resources and teacher expertise.
  • Create and maintain a stimulating learning environment.
  • Provide information to parents and carers about progress, attainment and learning attitudes in school.
  • Set home learning that is appropriate to the needs and age of each student.
  • Work with parents and carers when barriers to learning arise, such as poor attendance and punctuality, disruptive behaviours or other specific needs.

As a parent/carer I/we will: 

  • Support and cooperate with the school and its policies, including ensuring both they and their child supports and promotes our values of Integrity, Resilience, Respect and Equality.
  • Inform the school of any problems and concerns and work in partnership with the school to try to solve them.
  • Provide a suitable environment for home learning and ensure that home learning is completed.
  • Ensure full attendance and punctuality to school.
  • Follow government guidance by not taking holidays during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances and permission is granted by the Headteacher.
  • Ensure their child is appropriately presented, dressed and equipped for school in accordance with the school policy.
  • Attend parent interviews and any other appropriate meetings arranged by the school.
  • Support the school rules on behaviour and discipline.
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As a student I will:

  • Demonstrate the behaviours taught in line with our values of Integrity, Resilience, Respect and Equality, and accept sanctions when things go wrong.
  • Attend school on time everyday in the correct uniform and with the appropriate equipment.
  • Present a positive image of myself and my school both in and out of the school building.
  • Try my best in school by listening to my teachers, working hard in lessons and completing home learning
  • Take care of the school building and equipment.

Brigshaw High School Attendance Team
H. Jefferson
Assistant Headteacher, Transition  and Attendance
J. Hammond
Trust Attendance Lead
A. Henderson
Attendance Lead
K. Oswald
Attendance Officer
L. Oram
Attendance Admin

Key Documents

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