Sixth Form expectations and routines


Our Sixth Form behaviour policy seeks to promote and develop outstanding working relationships between students and staff whilst encouraging students to adopt a strong work ethic and self-discipline. We expect all students to show respect and maturity as they move through years 12 and 13, demonstrating their abilities to meet deadlines working towards taking the next steps into adulthood. In our Sixth Form provision, we adopt the behaviour policy of the school. 

To achieve this, we believe that it is essential for students to have access to a positive working environment that offers guidance and support to match every student’s needs with high expectations.  When students enrol at Brigshaw High School, we ask them to sign the Sixth Form agreement. This outlines all the expectations of their attitude to learning and behaviour and their commitment to strive for success in all areas. Where student behaviour fails to meet our expectations then we will follow the system outlined in our behaviour policy.  The school reserves the right to remove students from their course if they persistently fail to adhere to our expectations and guidance. 

Key Stage 5 performance

% of grades A* - A
% of grades A* - B
% of grades A* - C
% of applied grades at Distinction* - Distinction
% of applied grades at Distinction* - Pass
Average Point Score (Academic)
Average Point Score (Applied)

Attendance and punctuality

All students are expected to attend 100% of their sessions listed on their timetable, including specified registration sessions,assemblies, subject lessons, supervised study, enrichment activities and trips. 

All courses have guided learning hours. These are the hours which pupils are expected to complete in order for them to achieve their  course programme and aims.  Failing to meet the guided learning hours will severely hinder the progress that students can make and in some cases will  make it impossible for students to complete the course.  

Where a student has no timetabled session, we encourage them to use this time proactively to complete work and research in our Sixth Form study area, which is equipped with laptops, study materials and printer access. .  

If absence is unavoidable, the absence may be authorised. The school should be called via the attendance number at the earliest opportunity if a student is ill. If the absence is for other valid reasons, appropriate evidence should be brought into school. 

All absences will be considered unauthorised unless a valid reason is given.  

Authorised Absence:  

  • Illness (A medical certificate will be required if the illness lasts longer than 10 consecutive days) 
  • A medical appointment (evidence of this is needed)
  • Emergency Medical Care  
  • Court Attendance  
  • Religious observance  
  • Funeral/difficult family issues  
  • Agreed sporting activity 
  • Open Days (maximum of 5 – email confirmation required)  

Unauthorised Absence:  

  • Term time holiday  
  • Driving lesson  
  • Doctor/dentist appointment (routine) 
  • Interview for casual employment  
  • Part time job 
  • Catching up on work  
  • You have decided to unofficially ‘drop the course’  

Your attendance will be closely monitored by our attendance team, SLT and your form tutor. Attendance  is compulsory for pupils who wish to study in our provision.  

Sixth Form appropriate and acceptable dress code

The school has a dress code that all students are expected to follow.  We do aim to give our students the freedom to wear their choice of clothing as we recognise that this allows them to express their identity, however there is an emphasis on being safe, clean and tidy and students must appreciate that not all items of clothing are appropriate for a school environment.

Students should recognise that conflict over the dress code is inappropriate. The dress code is practical and allows a wide choice within very clear boundaries.  We strongly encourage our students to consider their choice of dress when attending enrichment activities and for work experience, when a specific dress code may be required or practical for activities. 

Judgement on correct dress will be at the discretion of any member of the Sixth Form team and SLT. To avoid unnecessary costs, if students are in any doubt about a hairstyle, or the purchase of an item of clothing, they should speak with a member of the team before going ahead. Students will be asked to rectify or change any clothing/footwear that is perceived to be unsuitable or inappropriate.

The following guidelines will apply: 

ID badges must be worn around the neck with the school’s  lanyard at all times for safeguarding purposes.  Jewellery should be safe to wear if participating in practical lessons, but removed for PE.  Tops should be smart, modest and non-provocative, so should not show cleavage, have slits, cuts or be cropped to show skin.

The following are not permitted: 

  • Clothing should not have inappropriate slogans or print, a slogan is deemed to be inappropriate if it may cause offence or conflict 
  • No flip-flops, or backless sandals, high knee length boots for health & safety reasons 
  • No cycling shorts or tight-fitting shorts. (Shorts which are knee length are acceptable and sports shorts can be worn for for practical PE sessions)
  • No visible tattoos